例1,男性,30岁,1年前在某医院作鼻中隔矫正术致鼻中隔穿孔。因鼻阻、头痛、鼻腔干燥及鼻出血于1983年在我科作鼻中隔修补术。术前检查鼻中隔中份有0.8cm×0.5cm 大小卵圆形穿孔。在局麻下取颞筋膜修补成功。住院26天痊愈出院。术后1年半复查鼻中隔未再穿孔。例2,男性,24岁,四年前在某医院作鼻中隔矫正术引起鼻中隔穿孔。常有鼻干及鼻出血。1984年在我科作鼻中隔穿孔
Example 1, male, 30 years old, a year ago in a hospital for nasal septoplasty nasal septum perforation. Due to nasal resistance, headache, nasal dryness and nose bleeding in our department for nasal septum repair in 1983. Nasal septum in the preoperative examination there are 0.8cm × 0.5cm size oval perforation. Under local anesthesia to take the temporal fascia repair success. 26 days hospitalized and discharged. A year and a half after surgery to check the nasal septum is no longer perforation. Example 2, Male, 24 years old, four years ago in a hospital for nasal septum corrective surgery caused by nasal septum perforation. Often dry nose and nose bleeding. 1984 in our department for nasal septum perforation