导言在审视一张图像的时候,你会立即对其意向进行推测。继而,你会将该推测与他人的阐释进行对比,并意识到自己有所欠缺。《感知与成像》有助于解释这个难题。本书论述了我们如何观察以及我们肉眼所观察不到的——图像背后的规则。书中的一些案例有助你将来创作出更加引人入胜的图像,或者应用某些原理操控观者,书中的观念有助于读者理解视觉材料背后的智慧。本书的作者理查德·D·扎基亚(Richard D.
Introduction When examining an image, you immediately speculate on its intention. Then, you compare the speculation with the explanation of others and realize that you are deficient. “Perception and imaging” helps explain the problem. This book discusses how we observe and what we can not observe with the naked eye - the rules behind the image. Some of the examples in the book help you create more engaging images in the future, or manipulate the viewer with certain principles that help readers understand the wisdom behind visual materials. The book’s author Richard D. Zacchia (Richard D.)