以软X 射线 (总辐射剂量 6 5 0Gy)照射过Cucumismelovar .momordica植株上的雄花花粉与网纹甜瓜杂种一代‘Rubia Red’(Cucumismelovar .reticulatusNaud .)已于上一日去雄的雌花授粉 ,经‘雌核发育’诱导形成单倍体胚。 3周后从采收的 4个幼果中获得种子 196 7粒 ,种子经灭菌后接种于 1/ 2MS +蔗糖30 g/L + gellangum 3g/L固体培养基上 ,3周后将萌发的 12个幼胚移植到MS +葡萄糖 2 0 g/L + gellangum3g/L培养基上培养。由假授精胚珠诱导成的 4株幼苗经倍数性分析仪 (PA型 ,德国Partec公司制造 )鉴定为单倍体植株。幼胚和单倍体植株的诱导率为 0 .6 %和 0 .2 %。通过茎节切段进行增殖培养 ,10周后获得 5 4株生根再生植株
Rubisco Red (Cucumis melovar. Reticulatus Naud.), A hybrid generation of male flower pollen and reticulated melon on Cucumis melovar. Momordica plants, was irradiated with soft X-rays (total dose of 650 Gy) ’Gynogenetic’ induces the formation of haploid embryos. After 3 weeks, 196 seeds were harvested from 4 young fruit harvested. The seeds were sterilized and inoculated into 1 / 2MS + sucrose 30 g / L + gellangum 3g / L solid medium. After 3 weeks, the germinated Twelve immature embryos were transplanted into MS + glucose 20 g / L + gellangum 3 g / L medium. Four seedlings induced by the artificial insemination were identified as haploid plants by a multiple factor analyzer (PA type, manufactured by Partec, Germany). Induction rates of immature and haploid plants were 0.6% and 0.2%, respectively. Proliferation culture was carried out by stalk sections, and 5 4 rooted regenerated plants were obtained after 10 weeks