ZCB- 3型自动草帘编织机 (见图 1)是沈阳草袋机厂研制的最新专利产品。该机编织的草帘是蔬菜大棚冬季生产必备的保温用品,还可用作砖场、园艺场、建筑物和粮库及各类包装物的防晒、保湿、保温材料。该机配套动力为 0. 55 kW~ 1.10 kW电机,生产率高,使用安全,编织时不跳线?
ZCB-3 automatic straw curtain knitting machine (see Figure 1) is the latest patented product developed by Shenyang straw bag factory. The woven straw curtain machine is a must for winter greenhouse production of greenhouse insulation products, but also can be used as brick, horticultural fields, buildings and grain depot and various types of packaging sunscreen, moisturizing, insulation materials. The aircraft supporting power of 0. 55 kW ~ 1.10 kW motor, high productivity, safe use, do not jumper when weaving?