朱温(852—912年),五代梁朝的建立者,是为梁太祖。公元907—912年在位。幼年随母寄食刘崇家,少年时代不事生产,后参加黄巢起义队伍。882年,他背叛农民军投降唐朝,被任命为河中行营招讨副使,赐名全忠。黄巢起义失败后,朱温势力不断强大。901年,被唐王朝封为梁王。此后,他在朝廷专横跋扈,904年,杀唐昭宗,改立哀帝。907年,篡夺唐政权自立为帝,国号梁,年号开平,建都汴(今河南开封),史称后梁。在位期间,对唐朝的积弊有所改革。但他长期穷兵赎武,晚年纵情声色,912年为其子朱友所杀。 据史书记载,朱温在澄清吏治方面有所建树,犹对阿谀奉承之徒严加惩处。有一年宁文(今河南商丘)洪水泛滥成灾。当时的宋州节度使、朱温的侄儿子朱友谅不仅不详报灾情,反而派人向朱温呈献一茎三穗的“瑞麦”,一则奉
Zhu Wen (852-912), the founder of the Liang Dynasties of the Five Dynasties, was for Liang Taizu. AD 907-912 reign. Young mother to send food Liu Chongjia, youth do not matter production, after joining Huang Chao uprising team. In 882, he betrayed the Peasant Army to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, was appointed as a messenger in the river camp solicitation, thanks to all Zhongzhong. After the failure of Huang Chao’s uprising, Zhu Wen forces continued to grow stronger. 901 years, was the king of the Tang Dynasty as Liang Wang. Since then, he domineering in the court, 904, killing Tang Zhaosong, change to emperor. In 907, the Tang regime was usurped as the emperor by self-reliance. The nationalist beam, the Kaiping nobility, and the capital city of Kaifeng (now Kaifeng, Henan Province), have been called the back beam. During the reign, the reform of the Tang Dynasty has been some reform. But he long poor soldier redeemed, old age sensual, killed his son Zhu You in 912. According to historical records, Zhu Wen made some achievements in clarifying official administration, and he still punished flattery. One year Ningwen (Henan Shangqiu) flood flooding. At that time, the Jedi of Songzhou made Zhu Wen’s nephew son Zhu Youliang not only not yet know the details of the disaster, but instead sent a “three-spike” “Remy” to Zhu Wen,