中国的瓷器素被世界各国所珍视。唐以来它跟茶都以新兴的商品挤入国际市场。即以後世闻名的景德镇所在地——浮梁县来说,不但产瓷,而且出茶,大家一定念过白居易的琵琶行,诗中不是有:“商人重利轻别离,前月浮梁买茶去”的句子吗?当时瓷器的输出,东到日本,西达印度、波斯和埃及。据两个阿剌伯人的游记,八五一年苏莱曼(Sulayman) 记“汉府”(Hanfu即广州),八六四年伊本库达第伯(Ibn Khordadebeh) 记(劳京)(El-Wakin或Loukin即交州)两海口,都有大量的瓷器待运。宋代在广州设的市舶司,也以“杂色帛、精粗瓷器”为出口货的大宗。朱彧萍洲可谈卷二记停泊广州的外国商船,深阔各数十丈,“货多陶器,大小相套,无少隙地”。又记广人囤积居奇,放高利贷,也是用丝织品和瓷器,“富者乘时畜绘帛陶货,加其值与求债计息,何啻倍蓰”由此可见:瓷器在海外市场上的地位是如何重要了。唐宋时代尚且如此,那么到了“海运大开”的明代,不用说是更兴盛的了,何况明又是瓷业发展的最高阶段,有了陶车镟刀代替以前的竹刀镟坯,吹釉代替以前的蘸釉、以“苏泥”(产苏门答剌)、“渤青”(产槟榔屿)等酸化钴、锰金属元素的氧化焰和还元焰,制造出绚丽的青花瓷和
Chinese porcelain is valued by all countries in the world. Since Tang dynasty, it has pushed into the international market with emerging commodities. That is, after the world-famous Jingdezhen - Fuliang County, not only porcelain production, but also tea, we must have read the Pipa of Bai Juyi, the poem is not: “businessmen pay attention, At the time the output of porcelain, east to Japan, west India, Persia and Egypt. According to the travel notes of two Arabs, in 1951 Sulayman wrote ”Hanfu“ (Guangzhou), Ibn Khordadebeh (Labin) in 864, (El-Wakin or Loukin, Jiaozhou) There are a large number of porcelain to be shipped. Song Dynasty in Guangzhou City Department of the ship, but also ”variegated silk, fine porcelain,“ the bulk of exports. Zhu Ping Island can talk about the second volume parked in Guangzhou, two foreign merchant ships, the depth of the hundreds of feet, ”goods and more pottery, the size of sets, seamless.“ In addition, we remember that many people are hoarding money and putting usury loans. They use silk and porcelain as well. ”Wealthy people take advantage of their time and value their debt and pay their debts. What we can see is the status of porcelain in overseas markets How important is it. So did the Tang and Song dynasties, so to the Ming Dynasty, which opened with the sea shipping, it was needless to say that it was even more prosperous. Moreover, Ming Dynasty was the highest phase of the development of the porcelain industry. There was a pottery trowel replacing the previous bamboo knife billet, Instead of the previous dipped glaze, the brilliant blue-and-white porcelain was made with the oxidation flame of cobalt and manganese metal elements such as “Su mud” (Sumen A-tsu), “Bo-qing”