唐朝是中国历史上诗歌繁盛的时代,众多的诗人留下了大量的佳作,或咏史怀古,或反映现实,为我们了解历史提供了丰富的素材。据此回答下列问题:1.“客行田野间,比屋皆闭户。借问屋中人,尽去作商贾。”反映的是唐朝时A.农村的萧条景象 B.商业的繁荣景象C.人们经商热情高 D.从事商业赚钱多2.章碣的《焚书坑》诗云:“竹帛烟销帝业虚,关河
The Tang dynasty was an era of prosperous Chinese history. Many poets left a large number of masterpieces, either chanting history or reflecting reality, providing us with rich material for understanding history. Answer the following questions based on this: 1. ”Between the passengers and the fields, close the door to the house. Ask the people in the house to do business." Reflecting the Tang Dynasty, A. Depression in the countryside B. The prosperity of the business C People are passionate about doing business D. Engaging in business to make more money 2. Zhang Yan’s book of “burning book pits” poem: ”Bamboo cigarettes and cigarettes