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由于学校与企业缺乏相互制约和监督机制,实施现代学徒制过程中存在推进机制不够完善、推进缺乏政策保障、学校实施过程缺乏力度、企业主动参与度不高、学生缺乏合理的职业规划等问题。应通过政府参与,完善各项保障机制;选择实力雄厚企业,明确校企双方责任;构建专兼结合的师资队伍;帮助学生树立职业规划;建立企业年终考评机制;鼓励学校开办非营利性企业等对策扎实推进现代学徒制建设。 Due to the lack of mutual restraint and supervision mechanism between schools and enterprises, there are some problems in the process of implementing modern apprenticeship, such as the imperfect propulsion mechanism, the lack of policy support, the lack of implementation of schools, the low level of active participation of enterprises, and the lack of proper career planning for students. Should be through government participation, improve the security mechanisms; select the strength of enterprises, a clear school-enterprise responsibility; to build a combination of teachers and faculty; to help students establish career planning; establishment of enterprise year-end evaluation mechanism; encourage schools to start non-profit enterprises Countermeasures to promote the construction of modern apprenticeship.
采用棒基组合的装配方法、多次热挤压和冷加工相结合的工艺,制备了2种以Ti5Nb (-Ti)作为人工钉扎中心(APC)的NbTi超导多芯线。研究了Ti5Nb APC NbTi多芯超导体的磁通钉扎力曲