本文就145例新生儿破伤风的治疗进行观察和分析,重点讨论以下问题:TAT 除全身用药外,尚可脐周围封闭;解痉剂应两种药物配伍、交替使用,本组以水化氯醛与安定配伍效果最佳,安定用药剂量偏大每日7~15mg/kg,未见明显副作用;大剂量维生素 B(?)100mg/d,可增加解痉效果;应用大剂量解痉剂仍抽搐不止者应想到低钙血症及脑水肿等并发症的存在;延迟鼻饲,即痉挛停止后2~5天再予鼻饲,痉挛期仅静脉补充热量,可提高治愈率。
In this paper, 145 cases of neonatal tetanus for the treatment of observation and analysis, focusing on the following issues: TAT in addition to systemic medication, the umbilical can still be closed around; antispasmodic agent should be two drugs compatibility, alternating use, the group of chlorine Aldehyde and stability with the best compatibility, stability and medication dosage is large daily 7 ~ 15mg / kg, no obvious side effects; high dose of vitamin B (?) 100mg / d, can increase antispasmodic effect; application of large doses of antispasmodic agent Convulsions should not only think of the presence of complications such as hypocalcemia and cerebral edema; delay nasal feeding, that spasm stop 2 to 5 days after nasal feeding again, spasm only intravenous calories, can improve the cure rate.