1 病例简介患者 ,女 ,15岁。 1998年 7月 2 8日收入院。主诉 :活动时气喘 ,乏力 ,并渐加重。患者生后 9个月发现心脏杂音 ,口唇、皮肤、四肢发绀 ,并渐加重。查体 :眼睑稍充血、紫绀、唇绀 ,心前区无隆起 ,心尖搏动位于左第五肋间锁骨中线处 ,搏动不弥散 ,未触及心前区细震颤
1 case description Patients, female, 15 years old. July 28, 1998 Income House. Chief Complaint: Asthma during activity, weakness, and gradually heavier. Patient 9 months after birth, heart murmur, lips, skin, limbs and cyanosis, and gradually heavier. Physical examination: eyelid slightly hyperemia, cyanosis, cyanotic cyanosis, no anterior precinct, apex beat in the left intercostal clavicle midline, the pulse is not dispersed, did not touch the precordial fine tremor