档案的真实和档案内容的真实是一回事吗?之所以提出这个问题,是因为在有的同志的笔下,还自觉或不自觉地流露出对这个问题的模糊认识。笔者认为,档案的真实和档案内容的真实是两回事,是两个概念。笔者现就此谈点粗浅的看法以就教于档案界的老师和朋友。 什么是档案的真实。这要从什么是档案说起。《中华人民共和国档案法》第二条指出:“本法所称的档案,是指过去和现在的国家机构、社会组织以及个人从事政治、军事、经济、科学、技术、文化、宗教等活动直接形成的对国家和社会有保存价值的各种文
The true nature of the file and the contents of the file is one thing? The reason why this question is raised is because, in the words of some comrades, we also consciously or unconsciously reveal a vague understanding of this issue. The author believes that the true nature of the file and the contents of the file are two different things, two concepts. I now talk about the superficial view to teach in the file sector teachers and friends. What is the real file. This is from what is the file. Article 2 of the “Archives Law of the People’s Republic of China” states: "The archives referred to in this Law refer to past and present state agencies, social organizations and individuals engaged in activities such as politics, military affairs, economy, science, technology, culture and religion The formation of the state and society have preserved the value of various languages