目的了解广西横县集贸市场食用淡水鱼虾华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染情况,为采取预防措施提供参考资料。方法取6种常见淡水鱼鱼肉和淡水虾,采用直接压片法和人工消化法检查囊蚴,再将囊蚴感染家兔进一步确证。结果共采集标本651份,其中白鲩116条,鲫鱼82条,鲈鱼72条,鳊鱼28条,鲤鱼25条,鲢鱼13条,315只淡水虾,大多数来自本地养殖场,但也有少数淡水鱼虾从贵港、南宁等地运来。结果发现感染华支睾吸虫囊蚴的鱼21条,感染率6.25%。淡水虾未检出华支睾吸虫囊蚴。在来自贵港的1条白鲩中,共查出囊蚴1 440个,阳性鱼感染度为7.1个/g,总体感染率为3.2%。结论本地市场食用淡水鱼有华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染,而且感染率比较高,要增强疾病控制部门的监管预防措施。
Objective To understand the infection status of Clonorchis sinensis in edible freshwater fish and shrimp in Hengxian Market, Guangxi, and to provide reference materials for preventive measures. Methods Six kinds of common freshwater fish, freshwater fish and freshwater shrimp were taken, and the direct lacrimal method and artificial digestion method were used to examine the metacercaria. The rabbits with metacercariae infection were further confirmed. Results A total of 651 samples were collected, including 116 white catfish, 82 crucian carp, 72 sea bass, 28 anchovy, 25 carp, 13 silver carp and 315 freshwater prawn, mostly from local farms. However, there are also a few Freshwater fish and shrimp from Guigang, Nanning and other places shipped. The results found that infected with Clonorchis sinensis metacercaria 21, the infection rate of 6.25%. Freshwater shrimp did not detect Clonorchis sinensis metacercaria. In a white catfish from Guigang, a total of 1 440 cercariae were found, the positive fish infection was 7.1 / g and the overall infection rate was 3.2%. Conclusion The local market freshwater fish have Clonorchis sinensis metacercaria infection, and the infection rate is relatively high, to strengthen the disease control department of regulatory measures.