目的了解三明市区婚检人群疾病检出情况,为婚检指导提供参考依据,保障欲婚者健康婚配。方法对2009年1月至2011年12月接受婚检者11 196人的疾病检出情况进行分析。结果婚检检出疾病2 877人,疾病检出率25.7%,男女检出率差异无统计学意义,检出疾病中生殖系统疾病检出率9.9%,指定传染病检出率1.5%,检出率男性高于女性。结论婚检人群的疾病检出率较高,婚前医学检查能控制许多遗传性疾病的发生,避免缺陷儿出生,提高出生人口素质。加强健康教育,提高婚检率,保证婚检质量和随访,确保将婚前保健工作落到实处。
Objective To understand the detection of disease in premarital people in Sanming City and provide a reference for premarital examination to ensure the healthy marriage of those who want to marry. Methods From January 2009 to December 2011, 11 196 premarital patients were analyzed for their disease. Results There were 2 877 cases of premarital disease and 25.7% of the cases. The detection rate of male and female was not statistically significant. The detection rate of the reproductive system diseases was 9.9% and the detection rate of the designated infectious diseases was 1.5% Rate of men than women. Conclusions The rate of disease detection in premarital people is higher. Premarital medical examination can control the occurrence of many hereditary diseases, avoid the birth of defective children and improve the quality of birth population. Strengthen health education, raise the rate of premarital examination, ensure the quality of premarital examination and follow-up, and ensure that premarital health care work will be implemented.