病例资料患者,男,64岁。因口腔黏膜反复溃疡、疼痛半年余,加重2月收入我院。近半年来,口腔黏膜反复溃疡疼痛,初起溃疡数目最少3-5个,好发于唇舌部,半月左右愈合,间歇10-15d发作1次,近2月发作频繁,溃疡大,持续时间长,数目多且疼痛明显,无间歇期。既往无口腔溃疡病史。专科检查:舌背部,舌腹部,下唇前庭沟散在数个圆形、椭圆形溃疡,直径3~8 mm,中央凹陷,表面黄白色假膜,周围红晕,触痛明显(图1)。余未见明显异常。化验室检查:HIV抗体阳性(+),
Case information patient, male, 64 years old. Repeated ulcers due to oral mucosa, pain more than six months, increased in February income in our hospital. Over the past six months, oral mucosa repeated ulcer pain, the initial number of ulcers at least 3-5, occur in the lip and tongue, half a month or so, intermittent 10-15d attack 1 episode in recent seizures, ulcers, long duration , A large number and obvious pain, no break period. No previous history of oral ulcers. Specialist examination: the tongue back, tongue abdomen, the lower lip vestibular groove scattered in a number of round, oval ulcers, diameter 3 ~ 8 mm, the central depression, the surface of the yellow-white pseudomembranous, around the flush, tenderness significantly (Figure 1). I have seen no obvious abnormalities. Laboratory tests: HIV antibody positive (+),