祈松川1984年被江苏省泗阳县人武部选拔为专武干部时,他就把武装工作当作自己毕生追求的事业来干。勤学善思使他的业务能力提高很快。他性格耿直,为人厚道,在多年的武装工作中始终保持清正廉洁的作风。每年征兵期间,他从不抽别人一支烟,不喝别人一杯酒,他送出去的兵将近一半升学提干或被树为各类标兵。 1997年祁松川被调到爱园镇任武装部长。当时爱园镇的官庄村由于基础薄弱,干群关系紧张。他了解情况后,主动请缨进驻该村。在深入调查和精心准备之后,着手整顿村委班子,制定了发展规划,千方百计为民排忧解难,一年后,该村便跃人全镇先进村行列。 祈松川出色的工作,赢得了党委、政府的高度信任,并更加支持
When Chusongchuan was selected as a special military cadre by the People’s Armed Forces of Siyang County, Jiangsu Province in 1984, he took the armed work as his career in pursuit of life. Diligent thinking so that his ability to improve business quickly. He is upright and honest, has always maintained a clean and honest style in his arduous work over the years. During the conscription each year, he never smoked another person, did not drink another person’s glass of wine, and nearly half of the soldiers he sent went to school to do or be classified as various types of pacers. In 1997, Qi Songchuan was transferred to Ai Yuanzhen as armed minister. At that time, Guanzhuang Village, Aiyuan Town, was in a weak foundation and had a serious relationship with the masses. After understanding the situation, he volunteered to station in the village. After thorough investigation and careful preparation, they started to rectify the village committee, formulated the development plan, tried their best to solve their problems for the people, and one year later, the village leapt to the ranks of the advanced villages in the town. Chisun Chuan excellent work, won the party committees and governments have a high degree of confidence, and more support