1 Basic Situation Xinzheng City is located in the transitional zone from the mountainous area of Henan to the east of the Yudong Plain. The terrain is mountainous, hilly, plain, sandy hill and depression with a total area of 873km ~ 2 from west to east, belonging to the Huaihe River Basin. The territory of the main 12 rivers, the total length of 223.82km, the average gradient of the river was 1.7 ‰, gully density 0.46km / km ~ 2. The climate is a temperate continental monsoon climate, the annual average temperature of 14.15 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature of 425 ℃, the average annual rainfall of 679.0mm, annual maximum rainfall of 1172.2mm (1967), the minimum annual rainfall of 449 .4mm (1966), the uneven distribution of rainfall in time, the flood season (June to September) the average annual rainfall of 440.3mm, accounting for 64.86% of the annual rainfall. According to the proportion of precipitation distribution: flat water years, wet years, dry years accounted for 80%, 13.3%, 6.7%. Due to the alternating influence of cold and warm air mass, the disastrous weather such as drought, heavy rain, frost, gale, low temperature and hot and dry wind are more, especially the droughts, rain and floods and the hot and dry wind are most harmful.