今年5月17日是第二十七届世界电信日,浙扛省举行了隆重的庆祝活动。 在省会杭州,杭州市政府利用世界上最先进的集成会议电视系统Radiance和MCU2召开了包括全区7个县(市)在内的电视会议,以庆祝世界电信日并展示杭州电信建设及发展成就。与会者通过代表当今世界上最先进的通信技术的会议电视,不仅闻其声,而且见其人,倡谈当前电信发展状况,
May 17 this year is the twenty-seventh World Telecom Day, Zhejiang Province carried a grand celebration of the province. In the capital cities of Hangzhou and Hangzhou, the city government held a video conference including Radiance and MCU2, the world’s most advanced integrated teleconferencing systems, including seven counties and cities in the region to celebrate World Telecommunication Day and showcase the achievements of Hangzhou Telecommunication Construction and Development . Attending the conference television, which represents the most advanced communication technology in the world, participants not only heard the news but also discussed the current situation of telecommunication development,