旅游,几乎对于每一个人都是一件快乐的事情。对于网迷也不例外。可在这个身处异乡的时候,对于网迷来讲却有一个烦恼——该到那里去上网,到那里去收电子邮件。由于没有地方上网而让你产生归心似箭的情绪,旅游也失去了旅游的真正意义。有没有旅游和上网兼得的选择呢? 很简单,只要你拥有一部手机。 过去几年中,因特网(Internet)和移动电话这两项技术的发展已经给亿万人的生活带来了直接影响。Internet使人们能方便价廉地接用大量信息,不受该信息在什么地方产生或目前是否还保存着的限制。所需的最少设备是一台通过拨号调制解调器
Travel, for almost everyone, is a happy thing. For web fans is no exception. But in a foreign land, there is an annoyance for webmasters - where to go online and where to pick up emails. Because there is no place for you online and let you have the heart-centered mood, tourism has lost the true meaning of tourism. Is there any option for both traveling and surfing the internet? It’s as simple as having a cell phone. Over the past few years, the development of technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones has had a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The Internet enables people to access vast amounts of information conveniently and cheaply, regardless of where the information is generated or is currently still preserved. The minimum required device is a dial-up modem