目的 凤梨科植物(家族:凤梨科)在佛罗里达东北部的住宅景观中普遍存在.众所周知,许多凤梨科植物能保持水分不流失,可为各种疾病媒介蚊类和其他无脊椎动物提供幼虫栖息地.本研究的目的是调查凤梨科植物上的幼虫繁殖状况及其对病媒蚊生存的可能影响.方法 对凤梨科植物进行采集和取样,收集蚊幼虫和其他无脊椎动物,并在显微镜下鉴定种类.以蚊幼虫和凤梨科植物为实验对象,研究成年蚊类在植物上的生存状况.结果 在佛罗里达州东北部圣约翰县的13个地点监测了蚊类的种类.2015年4月-2016年7月期间,从凤梨科植物叶腋上收集了Aedes aegypti Linn.、Aedes albopictus Skuse、Culex quinquefascaitus Say、Wyeomyia mitchelli Theobald和Toxorhynchites r.rutilus Coquillett的幼虫.在被调查的80%的居住地点的凤梨科植物上积水中发现了白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊两种蚊的幼虫,在几处地点的植物叶腋中发现了八种不同的无脊椎动物.结论 凤梨科植物是白纹伊蚊、其他蚊类和几种无脊椎动物的繁殖地.尽管蚊类可能会利用凤梨科植物来作为栖息地,实验证明,完整或受损的凤梨叶不是成年白纹伊蚊生存的主要营养来源.“,”Objective The plants collectively known as bromeliads (Family:Bromeliaceae) are commonly featured in residential landscaping throughout northeastern Florida.It is generally known that many bromeliad species hold water,potentially providing larval habitat for an assortment of mosquito species that are possible disease vectors and other invertebrates.The objective of the study is to survey larval breeding situation in bromeliad plants and possible effect of the plants on survival of vector mosquitoes.Methods To visit and sample the bromeliad plants to collect mosquito larvae and other invertebrates and identify all samples under microscopy.Laboratory experiment with mosquito larvae and bromeliad plant was used to study the survival of adult mosquitoes fed on the plants.Results Mosquito species were monitored at 13 sites throughout St.Johns County,Northeastern Florida.Aedes aegypti Linn.,Aedes albopictus Skuse,Culex quinquefascaitus Say,Wyeomyia mitchelli Theobald,and Toxorhynchites r.rutilus Coquillett larvae were collected from bromeliad plant axils from April 2015 to July 2016.Larvae of two mosquito species,Ae.albopictus and Cx.quinquefasciatus,were found in impounded bromeliad water at 80% of surveyed residential sites and eight different species of invertebrates were collected from the plant axils at several sites.Conclusion Bromeliad plants are one of the resources for breeding of Aedes albopictus,other species of mosquitoes,and several species of invertebrates.Although mosquitoes may be using bromeliad plant axils for habitat,laboratory experiments with major species Ae.albopictus demonstrated that neither intact nor damaged bromeliad leaves are a significant nutrition resource for survival of adult mosquitoes.