【摘 要】
This study numerically and experimentally investigates the effects of wave loads on a monopile-type offshore wind turbine placed on a 1: 25 slope at different water depths as well as the effect of choosing different turbulence models on the efficiency of
【机 构】
DeepWater Engineering Research Centre, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;DeepWat
This study numerically and experimentally investigates the effects of wave loads on a monopile-type offshore wind turbine placed on a 1: 25 slope at different water depths as well as the effect of choosing different turbulence models on the efficiency of the numerical model. The numerical model adopts a two-phase flow by solving Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier?Stokes (URANS) equations using the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method and three different k?ω turbulence models. Typical environmental conditions from the East China Sea are studied. The wave run-up and the wave loads applied on the monopile are investigated and compared with relevant experimental data as well as with mathematical predictions based on relevant theories. The numerical model is well validated against the experimental data at model scale. The use of different turbulence models results in different predictions on the wave height but less differences on the wave period. The baseline k?ω turbulence model and Shear-Stress Transport (SST) k?ω turbulence model exhibit better performance on the prediction of hydrodynamic load, at a model-scale water depth of 0.42 m, while the laminar model provides better results for large water depths. The SST k?ωturbulence model performs better in predicting wave run-up for water depth 0.42 m, while the laminar model and standard k?ω model perform better at water depth 0.52 m and 0.62 m, respectively.
摘要:心理课堂重视学生对问题情境的体验感,聚焦学生可能会出现的问题倾向,着力于问题解决方法的专业指引,落脚于学生进一步的行动指向,这与具身认知理论的内核相吻合。心理教师基于具身认知理论,通过游戏活动、呈现问题、初试情境、实践操作、课堂延伸五个板块展开教学,可使学生获得身体和心智的整体感知与发展。 关键词:具身认知;心理活动课;问题解决 中小学的心理活动课多以解决实际问题为出发点,着力于引导学生
中国有句俗话,叫做“强将手下无弱兵”,甚至还有“狼团队”、“羊团队”之说。大意是说“一只羊带领的狼团队”绝对斗不过“一只狼带领的羊团队”,还有什么“兵熊熊一个、将熊熊一窝”的理论佐证。 但是,这个道理在企业里却行不通。放眼望去,很多英明神武的全能老板手下几乎全都是“弱兵”,很多聪明能干的老板身边几乎没有一个人能帮助他,不是员工们能力不足,就是敢于担当的实在太少,用当下流行的词就叫“执行力不足”。
开发一套船模试验动力定位控制系统,系统控制器基于低通+陷通滤波算法、专家比例-积分-微分(Proportional Integral Differential,PID)控制算法、序列二次规划(Sequence Quadratic Programming,SQP)算法设计而成。将该系统应用于风浪中动力定位船模试验,测试船模运动、7个全回转推进器推力和角度响应,结果表明该控制系统具有合理性和有效性。
摘要:幼儿的早期阅读是通过多种感官来进行的,与成人通过视觉阅读有所不同。早期阅读不仅可以培养幼儿的思维能力,还可以培养幼儿的语言表达能力。3~6岁是培养幼儿阅读兴趣、阅读能力、阅读习惯的关键期,采用恰当的方法开展早期阅读,将其渗透到区角活动和亲子阅读活动中,有利于提高幼儿的认知能力、语言能力、逻辑思维能力,为其终身发展奠定基础。 关键词:早期阅读;语言能力;亲子阅读 幼儿阅读能力发展的关键期是
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