世纪之初的中西文化冲突实质是“古今之变”———中国社会的制度与人心秩序的位移。然而中国现代化过程的开端裹挟的现代性问题不断被中西文化二元景观的民族性问题所置换 ,长期以来 ,现代性问题被新儒家的民族性辩护立场的思想建构所取代。中国思想的现代性建构 ,必须重审民族性立场 ,回到现代性问题本身 ,才能有切实的现代性问题的探问
The essence of the Sino-Western cultural conflicts at the beginning of this century is “the change of ancient times and modern times” - the displacement of the system and the order of the people in Chinese society. However, the issue of the modernity that is the beginning of the process of China’s modernization is constantly replaced by the nationality issue of the dual landscape of Chinese and Western cultures. For a long time, the question of modernity has been replaced by the ideological construction of the Neo-Confucian nationalist defense position. To construct the modernity of Chinese thought, we must reconsider the nationality position and return to the issue of modernity in order to have a probe into the question of an effective modernity