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目的了解2005-2012年高密市乙类肠道传染病的发病情况,为今后制定肠道传染病防治措施提供科学依据。方法对2005-2012年高密市乙类法定传染病中的肠道传染病疫情资料进行分析。结果 2005-2012年高密市共计报告乙类肠道传染病6种1 487例,年平均发病率为21.27/10万,死亡0例,病死率为0%。其中细菌性痢疾1084例,肝炎未分型308例,戊肝57例,甲肝35例,阿米巴痢疾2例,伤寒1例。2005-2012年各年度发病率分别为49.51/10万、29.89/10万、18.29/10万、14.87/10万、19.18/10万、14.65/10万、14.63/10万、10.30/10万。男性975例(占65.57%),发病率为27.25/10万(975/3 578 620);女性512例(占34.43%),发病率为15.01/10万(512/3 411 590);男性多于女性,男女性别比为1.90∶1;0~9岁年龄段发病率最高为114.78/10万。人群分布中散居儿童发病率最高,占总发病数的51.75%(770/1487)。结论细菌性痢疾是乙类肠道传染病防治的重点,人群中散居儿童是肠道传染病的防治重点。 Objective To understand the incidence of Class B enteric infectious diseases in Gaomi from 2005 to 2012 and provide a scientific basis for the future prevention and treatment of intestinal infectious diseases. Methods The epidemiological data of intestinal infectious diseases in statutory group B infectious diseases in Gaomi from 2005 to 2012 were analyzed. Results A total of 1 487 cases of type B enteric infectious diseases were reported in Gaomi from 2005 to 2012, with an average annual incidence of 21.27 / 100 000, with 0 deaths and 0% mortality. Among them, 1084 cases of bacterial dysentery, 308 cases of hepatitis without classification, 57 cases of hepatitis E, 35 cases of hepatitis A, 2 cases of amoebic dysentery and 1 case of typhoid fever. The annual incidence rates in 2005-2012 were 49.51 / 100,000, 29.89 / 100,000, 18.29 / 100,000, 14.87 / 100,000, 19.18 / 100,000, 14.65 / 100,000, 14.63 / 100,000 and 10.30 / 100,000, respectively. There were 975 males (65.57%) with an incidence rate of 27.25 / 100000 (975/3 578 620) and 512 females (34.43%) with a prevalence of 15.01 / 100000 (512/3 411 590) In women, the male-to-female sex ratio was 1.90: 1, and the highest incidence in the 0-9 age group was 114.78 / 100000. The distribution of scattered population in the highest incidence of diaspora, the total number of 51.75% (770/1487). Conclusions Bacillary dysentery is the focus of prevention and treatment of class B intestinal infectious diseases. Diaspore children in the population are the focus of prevention and treatment of intestinal infectious diseases.
目的研究本地区无偿献血者隐匿性HBV感染(OBI)发展预后以及性传播的可能。方法追踪随访25名来自2010-2012年确认为OBI的无偿献血者及其配偶,采用化学发光方法检测HBs Ag,常规
习惯性流产(Habitual abortion)是妇产科中较为常见的疾病,它是指3次或3次以上的连续自发流产,现在许多研究也把2次连续自发流产包括在内。本病发病原因与很多因素有关,如生
据《BJP》第31期报道,从1984年8月底开始,柯达彩色 VR100、200和400型胶片已开始采用120规格,以取代现行的柯达彩色Ⅱ型和400型120卷。 According to the BJP No. 31 repor