Preliminary Validation of Tumor Cell Attachment Inhibition Assay for Developmental Toxicants With Mo

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyll2008
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This study was designed to explore the possibility of using ascitic mouse sarcoma cell line (S180) to validate the mouse tumor cell attachment assay for developmental toxicants, and to test the inhibitory effects of various developmental toxicants. The results showed that 2 of 3 developmental toxicants under consideration, sodium pentobarbital and ethanol, significantly inhibited S180cells attachment to Concanavalin A-coaed surfaces. Inhibition was dependent on concentration, and the IC50 (the concentration tha reduced attachment by 50% ), of these 2 chemicals was 1.2×10-3mol/L and 1 .0 mol/L, respectively. Anoher developmental toxiant, hydmiortisone, did not show inhibitory activity. Two non-developmental toxicants, sodium chloride and glycine were also tested and these did not decrease attachment rates. The main results reported here were generally sindlar to those obtained with ascitic mouse ovdrian tumor cells as a model. Therefore, this study added further evidence to the conclusion that cell specificity does not lindt attachment inhibition to Con A-coated surfaces, so S180 cell may serve as an altemative cell model, especially when other cell lines are unavailable. Furthermore, after optimal validation, it can be suggested that an S180 cell attachment assay may be a candidate for a series of assays to detect developmental toxicants. The study was designed to explore the possibility of using ascitic mouse sarcoma cell line (S180) to validate the mouse tumor cell attachment assay for developmental toxicants, and to test the inhibitory effects of various developmental toxicants. The results showed that 2 of 3 developmental toxicants Under consideration, sodium pentobarbital and ethanol, significantly inhibited S180cells attachment to Concanavalin A-coaed surfaces. Inhibition was dependent on concentration, and the IC50 (the concentration tha reduced attachment by 50%), of these 2 chemicals was 1.2×10-3 mol/ L and 1 .0 mol/L, respectively. Anoher developmental toxiant, hydmiortisone, did not show inhibitory activity. Two non-developmental toxicants, sodium chloride and glycine were also tested and these did not decrease attachment rates. The main results reported here were Generally sindlar to those obtained with ascitic mouse ovdrian tumor cells as a model. Iation that cell specificity does not lindt attachment inhibition to Con A-coated surfaces, so S180 cell may serve as an altemative cell model, especially when other cell lines are unavailable. Assay may be a candidate for a series of assays to detect developmental toxicants.
不管是保守主义、自由主义还是女性主义,色情文学从头到尾都只是一根顺手捎来的棒子,人们拿着它互相招惹    王朔的《顽主》里有这么一个情节:仨雄性荷尔蒙过剩的家伙准备上街找“穿着体面、白白胖胖的绅士”挑衅,其中一个叫马青的晃着拳头叫唤:“谁他妈敢惹我?”一个五大三粗、穿着工作服的汉子走近他,低声说:“我敢惹你。”马青打量了一下这个铁塔般的小伙子,四顾地说:“那他妈谁敢惹咱俩?”  从马青的作为至少可
1 婴儿的热量有多少来自脂肪?A 15% B 30% C 50% D85%2婴儿时期铁质不足会导致宝宝在行为及学习上的困难吗?A会 B不会3 婴儿与成人的营养需求是相同的。A是 B不是4 以下哪一种行
目的:探讨瘤细胞核形态测量与星形细胞瘤病理分级关系。方法:应用病理图像分析系统(CMIAS系列) 对87 例星形细胞瘤的细胞核面积、核平均直径及核密度进行测量,按Ⅰ~Ⅳ级分组统计显示。结果