现将本人在中日友好医院工作期间从事的一例尸解资料及临床病理讨论记录整理于下: 病例介绍 患儿男,11岁,因全身浮肿6个月,咳喘20天入院。患儿于6个月前起全身浮肿、尿蛋白+++,诊为“肾病综合征”在当地用强的松治疗,2个月后水肿减轻,尿蛋白仍++~+++。出院后继用强的松55mg/日,约一个月后自动停药改服中草药,又经一个多月病情加重,血压高达150/130mmHg。20天来并有发热咳喘、不能平卧,来我院。既往体健无家族肾病史。
I am now in the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital during the work of an autopsy data and clinical pathological discussions are summarized below: Case description Children, aged 11, due to systemic edema for 6 months, cough and asthma 20 days admitted. Children with systemic edema 6 months ago, urinary protein +++, diagnosed as “nephrotic syndrome” in the local treatment with prednisone, edema relief after 2 months, urine protein is still ++ ~ +++. Discharged after the use of prednisone 55mg / day, about a month after the automatic withdrawal to change the Chinese herbal medicine service, but after more than a month the condition worsened, blood pressure up to 150 / 130mmHg. 20 days and fever cough, can not lie down, to our hospital. Past history of no family history of kidney disease.