1979年12月30日,卫生部、财政部、国家劳动总局以(79)卫政字第1780号、(79)财事字第399号、(79)劳总薪字第185号文颁发的《医疗卫生津贴试行办法》(以下简称《试行办法》)下达后,各地先后制订了实施细则。试行以来,对保障医疗卫生单位职工的身体健康,鼓励他们热爱本职工作,更好地完成防病治病和医药科研任务等,起了一定作用。但是由于《试行办法》中尚有不够完善、严密之处,少数地区和单位又未从严掌握,出现了一些问题。为此,现就有关问题补充通知如下: (一) 医疗卫生津贴属于保健性质,只有专职从事并直接接触有毒、有害、有传染危险工作的人员才能享受。各地在试行中,对享受医疗卫生津贴的人员必须严格控制在该《试行办法》第一条所限定的范围以内,不得扩大。
On December 30, 1979, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Labor were issued with (79) Wei Zi Zi No. 1780, (79) Caiji Zi No. 399, (79) LW Zi No. 185 After the promulgation of the “Measures for the Trial Implementation of Medical and Health Allowances” (hereinafter referred to as the “Trial Measures”), all localities have formulated detailed implementation rules. Since the trial implementation, it has played a certain role in safeguarding the health of staff and workers in medical and health units, encouraging them to love their own jobs, and better completing the prevention and treatment of diseases and medical research tasks. However, some problems have arisen in the “Trial Measures” because there are still imperfections and strictures in some areas and units. For this reason, we hereby notify the relevant issues as follows: (1) The medical and health allowance is of a health-care nature and can only be enjoyed by those who work full-time and are in direct contact with toxic, harmful and infectious dangerous work. Around the trial, all those who enjoy medical and health allowance must strictly control the scope of the first paragraph of the “Trial Measures” and shall not expand them.