铜锡器煮水 铜锡本不易溶于水,但是在水中的氧化铁杆菌与氧化硫杆菌等微生物的作用下而氧化生锈。煮水时水温高,铜锡锈迹易溶解于水。常饮用这种这种重金属浓度高的水,易患食欲不振、口舌麻木与头晕头痛等症。因此,勿用铜锡器煮饮水,以免恶化水质。更不要用铜锡器煮酒食。
Copper tin cooker copper tin not easily soluble in water, but in the water of iron oxide bacteria and thiophanate-oxidizing bacteria and other microorganisms and oxidation rust. Boiled water temperature is high, copper and tin rust easily soluble in water. Often drinking this high concentration of heavy metals such as water, prone to loss of appetite, numbness and dizziness headache embolism. Therefore, do not use copper tin cook water to avoid deterioration of water quality. Not to use copper tin cook food.