
来源 :学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wychenjian
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在中小学体育教学中,有一个重要而又容易被忽略的问题——伤害事故的预防。体育教师如果没有深刻认识到这个问题,不采取必要的组织措施和积极预防,就可能会发生伤害事故。一、伤害事故发生的原因 (一)技术动作不正确在体育教学中,由于教师传授技术动作不正确,导致学生在练习时受伤。如在跳箱和跳山羊练习时,没有掌握踏跳与推手的时机,难以获得一定的腾起高度,导致身体刮在器械上或成倒栽葱跌倒。篮球接球、排球上手传球时,由于手型不对,戳伤手指。在做技巧前、后滚翻动作时,因头部位置不正,团身不好,造成颈椎挫伤。 (二)教材选择不合理 In primary and middle school physical education, there is an important and easily overlooked issue - the prevention of injury accidents. If physical education teachers do not fully understand this problem and do not take the necessary organizational measures and active prevention, an injury accident may occur. 1. Causes of Injury Accidents (I) Inaccurate technical movements In physical education teaching, because of incorrect teaching of technical movements by teachers, students are injured in practice. For example, when jumping and jumping goats practice, there is no opportunity to grasp the jumping and pushing hands, it is difficult to obtain a certain height, resulting in the body scraping on the device or fall into the back of the onion. When the basketball catcher and the volleyball pass the ball, the fingers were not stamped due to the wrong hand. Before and after the tipping technique, due to the incorrect position of the head, the regimental body was not good, resulting in contusion of the cervical spine. (2) Unreasonable selection of teaching materials
在教完毛泽东《沁园春·长沙》一课之后,我给学生设计了一道习题: 阅读刘过的《沁园春》,然后做题。斗酒彘肩风雨渡江岂不快哉被香山居士约林和靖与坡仙老驾勒吾回坡谓西湖