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民权县档案馆于1958年8月建立,几年来在党的正确领导下,在总路线的光辉照耀下,在上级档案管理部门的指导和具体帮助下,坚决贯彻执行了档案工作方针和“以党的方针政策为纲整理档案”的原则指示,整理了开国以来的积存文件,接收了各机关送来的案卷,搜集整理了与档案有关的资料,积极地开展了档案资料的利用工作。一、积极主动地开展了档案资料的利用工作,为党的中心工作服务,为党政领导和各有关部门提供了大量的档案、资料。仅据1959年不完全统计共提供利用档案资料一万五千六百零一件(册)。档案、资料在机关日常工作中,在各项政治运动中,在工、农业生产大跃进和科学研究工作中,起到了有力的助手作用。我们开展利用工作的方法: The Civil Rights County Archives was established in August 1958. Under the correct leadership of the party and under the brilliant shine of the general line in the past few years, with the guidance and concrete help of the archival management department at the higher level, the Archives of Civil Rights County has resolutely implemented the archives work policy and the “ Guidelines and policies as a guideline for archiving files, ”collated the accumulated files since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, received the files sent by various agencies, collected and sorted out archival-related materials and actively carried out the utilization of archival materials. I. Actively carried out the utilization of archives and materials, served for the central work of the party and provided a large amount of files and materials to the party and government leaders and relevant departments. According to the incomplete statistics in 1959, a total of 15,610 files (files) were provided. Archives and information play a very powerful assistant role in the daily work of the organs, in various political movements, in the great leap forward of work and agricultural production and scientific research work. We carry out the use of the work method:
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“剿共”将军遭遇“西安事变”    卫立煌,1897年生于合肥。曾为孙中山的卫士。北伐战争中,卫立煌骁勇善战屡立战功,成为最年轻的“小营长”。1926年,他就升任师长。但因未出生浙江和未出身黄埔,只是蒋嫡系中的“杂牌”。  1932年,蒋介石调集63万大军,对革命根据地发动第四次“围剿”。时任国民党军14军军长的卫立煌,被蒋委派充当先锋。卫立煌与刘峙、顾祝同、蒋鼎文、陈诚,并称为蒋介石的“五虎上将
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