Assessment of ghrelin and leptin receptor levels in postmenopausal women who received oral or transd

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianxu36966688
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Objective:In postmenopausal women,an increased leptin concentration and reduced levels of ghrelin and adiponectin were observed.The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of the active form of ghrelin,total ghrelin,leptin receptor,lipoprotein(a)(Lp(a)),and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) in postmenopausal women who received oral or transdermal menopausal hormonal therapy(MHT).Methods:The study involved 76 healthy women:46 women aged from 44 to 58 years who received oral(26) or transdermal(20) MHT;the control group consisted of 30 women aged from 44 to 54 years who did not receive MHT.The plasma concentrations of total ghrelin,the active form of ghrelin,Lp(a),and PAI-1:Ag were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).The concentration of the leptin receptor was measured by enzyme immunometric assay(EIA).Results:We observed a significantly higher concentration of total ghrelin and the active form of ghrelin in women who received transdermal MHT in comparison with those who took oral MHT.We also found a significantly lower concentration of total ghrelin in women who received oral MHT compared with the control group.A higher concentration of PAI-1:Ag was found in the group of women who took transdermal MHT in comparison with those who took oral MHT and with the control group.The differences were statistically significant.Additionally,we found a significant negative correlation between the concentrations of total ghrelin and PAI-1:Ag and a positive correlation between the concentrations of total ghrelin and leptin receptor in women who received transdermal MHT.Conclusions:The study showed that women who used transdermal MHT had higher levels of total ghrelin than women who took oral MHT.This indicates a beneficial effect of the transdermal route of MHT.However,transdermal therapy was associated with adverse effects with regard to the observed higher levels of PAI-1:Ag,which in turn,can lead to a reduction in fibrinolytic activity. Objective: In postmenopausal women, an increased leptin concentration and reduced levels of ghrelin and adiponectin were observed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of the active form of ghrelin, total ghrelin, leptin receptor, lipoprotein (a) (Lp ( a)), and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in postmenopausal women who received oral or transdermal menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT). Methods: The study involved 76 healthy women: 46 women aged from 44 to 58 years who received oral (26) or transdermal (20) MHT; the control group consisted of 30 women aged from 44 to 54 years who did not receive MHT. The plasma concentrations of total ghrelin, the active form of ghrelin, Lp (a), and PAI- The concentration of the leptin receptor was measured by enzyme immunometric assay (EIA). Results: We observed a significantly higher concentration of total ghrelin and the active form of ghrelin in women who received transdermal MHT in comparison with those who took oral MHT.We also found a significant lower concentration of total ghrelin in women who had received oral MHT compared with the control group. A higher concentration of PAI-1: Ag was found in the group of women who took transdermal MHT in comparison with those who took oral MHT and with the control group. The disabilities are significant significant. Additionally, we found a significant negative correlation between the concentrations of total ghrelin and PAI-1: Ag and a positive correlation between the concentrations of total ghrelin and leptin receptor in women who had transdermal MHT.Conclusions: The study showed that women who used transdermal MHT had higher levels of total ghrelin than women who took oral MHT. This indicates a beneficial effect of the transdermal route of MHT. However, transdermal therapy was associated with adverse effects with regard to the observed higher levels of PAI-1: Ag, which in turn, can lead to a reduction in fibrinolytic activity.
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