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我们办报纸当领导的,常常埋怨某些记者和通讯员写新闻老一套,缺乏新鲜感。究竟是什么原因,却很少去分析。去年,沈阳市召开人民代表大会,代市长武迪生做政府工作报告。报告中谈到上次答应给居民办十五件好事,其中一件沈北加压气化厂工程由于配套、衔接等工作做得不好,到年底只实现三万户供气,没有实现向十万居民 When we run the newspapers, we often complain that some journalists and correspondents have always written the news and lacked freshness. What is the reason, but seldom to analyze. Last year, Shenyang City held a people’s congress and acting mayor Wu Di Sheng made a government work report. The report mentioned last time promised to residents do fifteen good things, one of Shenbei pressurized gasification plant project due to supporting, convergence and other work done well, only to achieve 30,000 households by the end of gas supply, did not achieve the One hundred thousand inhabitants