To increase the application potential in manufacturing process, such as monitoring the processing performance, the profile measurement should be provided in real-time display and with high resolution simultaneously. We propose a line-field Fourier-domain
Single-mode, long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) in the near- to mid-infrared covering the wavelength range from 1.3 to 2.3 \mum are presented. This wide spectral emission range opens applications in gas sensing and optical i
今年的诺贝尔物理奖金获得者中有两人是哈佛大学的布隆伯根(N. Bbembergen)和斯坦福大学的肖洛(A. L. Schawlow),他们分享了1981年度奖金的一半(另一半奖金由研究电子谱的瑞典乌普萨拉大学的KaiSiegbahri获得)。评奖委员会奖状中仅暗示他们对激光科学的基础贡献,却写明他们在“激光光谱学”方面的工作。他俩均把这次获奖看作对他们在此领域广泛成就的承认,而不是对某项特定工作的承认。