1984年10月9日至12月12日,在日本筑波举办了一个防灾技术讨论会。该讨论会由日本国立防灾中心主持。除日本代表外,还有缅甸、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、多米尼加、中国和香港地区的11名代表参加。 讨论会的内容有四:1.暴雨和洪水灾害以及它们的防治措施;2.斜坡灾害(滑坡和泥石流)及其防治措施;3.火山、地震灾害及地震工程,遥感技术在防灾工作中的运用;4.域市防灾工作。 讨论会上先由日本专家就有关内容发言,然后各国代表发言,并进行讨论,最后去现场参观。
A disaster prevention technology seminar was held in Tsukuba, Japan, from October 9 to December 12, 1984. The seminar was hosted by Japan’s National Disaster Prevention Center. In addition to Japan, representatives from Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, Peru, Dominica, China and Hong Kong attended the event. The contents of the symposium include four aspects: 1. heavy rains and floods and their prevention and control measures; 2. slope disasters (landslides and debris flows) and their prevention and control measures; 3. volcanoes, earthquakes and earthquakes, and remote sensing technologies in disaster prevention The use of; 4 domain disaster prevention work. At the seminar, a speech was made by a Japanese expert on the relevant content, then the representatives of various countries made speeches and discussed them, and finally went to visit the site.