Computer Simulation of Ferrite Transformation during Hot Working of Low Carbon Steel

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gang_zai1314
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On the basis of transformation kinetics and thermodynamics, the austenite-ferrite transformation start temperature during deformation was predicted for several grades of low-carbon steels under different processing conditions. Results indicate that Ar3d temperature mostly depended on alloying composition and processing parameters. Ar3d increased as strain rate or strain increased for the same steel grade. In view of enhancement of deformation on transformation, the basic kinetics model was established to simulate deformation induced transformation behavior, using which the influence of the deformation stored energy and effective deformation ledge on the nucleation and growth can be considered. The simulated results are in good agreement with experiment results. On the basis of transformation kinetics and thermodynamics, the austenite-ferrite transformation start temperature during deformation was predicted for several grades of low-carbon steels under different processing conditions. In view of enhancement of deformation on deformation, deformation of deformation on transformation, deformation of deformation on energy and effective deformation ledge on the nucleation and growth can be considered. The simulated results are in good agreement with experiment results.
4月10日 晴  想写一写爷爷,这已是好多年的夙愿了。可总被一些琐事耽搁着。于是心里常常涌起一股情感的潮水,里面满浸着歉疚。今天,似乎终于有了时间。  爷爷离开我们已经二十一年了,可他生前的音容笑貌,我总觉得就在眼前,就在昨天。  小时候,我是最喜欢和爷爷一块的,一块吃,一块睡。常常听说年长者有什么“老人味儿”,可我就喜欢闻爷爷床铺上那独特的味道。夜深了,墨水瓶做成的煤油灯,燃起了一圈黄晕的光,爷