1.34 mmol/L KCl与 0 .0 0 34~ 0 .0 34 2 mmol/L的 S- 330 7混用能促进绿豆下胚轴生根 ,根长增加 ,也能促进黄瓜子叶生根 ,根长和根鲜重增加。KCl还具有逆转 S- 330 7抑制离体黄瓜子叶和绿豆下胚轴根伸长的作用
The combination of 1.34 mmol / L KCl and 0.3034-0.034 2 mmol / L S-330 7 could promote rooting and root length growth of hypocotyls of mung bean, and also promote rooting, root length and root freshness of cucumber cotyledons Heavy increase. KCl also has the effect of reversing the elongation of S-3307 in vitro cucumber cotyledon and mung bean hypocotyls