If there is anyboby at all who has a dream,then they can definitely make it happen,There are no excuses,It depends on you and no one else.——Dawn Loggins唐·洛金斯(Dawn Loggins)是一个来自美国的18岁女孩,与同龄人相比,她的成长之路充满了坎坷。她曾经被吸毒的父母抛弃,一度无家可归,不得不半工半读来完成中学的学业……但她从不怨天尤人,而是把困难化作前进的动力。如今她终于迎来了人生的曙光,如愿以偿地拿到了哈佛大学的录取通知书。让我们一起来了解这个励志女孩辉煌背后的故事吧!
If there is anyboby at all who has a dream, then they can definitely make it happen, There are no excuses, It depends on you and no one else .-- Dawn Loggins Dawn Loggins is one from the United States Of 18-year-old girl, compared with their peers, her path of growth full of frustrations. She was abandoned by drug addicts, left homeless, and had to work half-time to complete her studies in high school ... But she never complained, but the driving force behind the difficulties. Now she finally ushered in the dawn of life, got his wish to get Harvard admission notice. Let us work together to understand the story behind this inspirational girl brilliant!