努力打造一流的校园 石家庄市国际城小学

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石家庄市国际城小学成立于2008年9月,是一所年轻的现代化小学。学校占地面移11344平方米,建筑面积7605平方米。现有29个教学班,学生1453人,教师学历达标率为100%。学校建设高起点、高标准、严要求,配备了一流的硬件设施,建有数字博物馆、3D木来教室、微机室、科学实验室、机器人室、音乐教室、美术教室、少先队活动室等各种功能教室,并按省级一类学校配备标准使用器材;学校建有高标准图书室,设有200米塑胶标准田径场;每个常规教室配备了电子白板,实现了班班通。高标准的硬件设施为学校快速发展提供了基础和保证。建校以来,经过实践探索,学校逐渐确立了“融文化”的定位,提出“融会中明智、融入 Shijiazhuang International City Primary School was established in September 2008, is a young modern primary school. School covers an area of ​​11344 square meters, construction area of ​​7605 square meters. The existing 29 classes, 1453 students, teachers qualifications rate of 100%. School building a high starting point, high standards and strict requirements, equipped with first-class hardware facilities, built digital museum, 3D wood to classrooms, computer rooms, science laboratories, robot room, music classrooms, art classrooms, Young Pioneers activity room and other Functional classrooms, and according to the provincial level a school equipped with standard equipment; school has a high standard library, with 200 meters plastic standard track and field field; each regular classroom equipped with a whiteboard, to achieve a class ban. High standards of hardware facilities provide the foundation and guarantee for the rapid development of the school. Since the establishment of the school, after practice and exploration, the school gradually established its position of ”integrating culture“ and put forward the idea of ​​”integrating wisdom wisely
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