目的:分析本地区风疹暴发流行的原因、传播特征,以采取有效防控措施扑灭疫情。方法:2010年6月3日共和县某民族小学风疹暴发进行现场流行病学调查。结果:2010年6月3日至7日,某寄宿学校小学生1 378人,累计发病21例,罹患率为1.39%。其中4年级罹患率为3.91%,5年级罹患率为0.44%,6年级罹患率为0.24%;男性罹患率为1.54%,女性罹患率为1.49%。21例病人中,6月3日发病4例,4日发病1例,5日发病9例,6日发病7例。病人发病初期均以发热、上呼吸道卡他症状为主要表现,继而出现全身性斑丘疹,皮疹为针尖样,压之退色,痊愈后无色素沉着,无并发症。检测典型病例血清14份,麻疹IgM抗体均阴性,风疹IgM抗体阳性的6份。结论:这是一起风疹暴发疫情。
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the causes and spread characteristics of the outbreak of rubella in this area in order to take effective prevention and control measures to put out the epidemic. Methods: On June 3, 2010, an epidemiological investigation of rubella in an ethnic primary school in Gonghe County was conducted. Results: From June 3 to June 7, 2010, a total of 1 378 pupils were admitted to a boarding school, with a cumulative incidence of 21 and an attack rate of 1.39%. Among them, grade 4 was 3.91%, grade 5 was 0.44%, grade 6 was 0.24%, males were 1.54% and females was 1.49%. Of the 21 patients, 4 were diagnosed on June 3, 1 was diagnosed on the 4th, 9 were diagnosed on the 5th and 7 were diagnosed on the 6th. Early onset of patients with fever, upper respiratory tract symptoms of catarrhal as the main performance, followed by systemic rash, rash as the tip-like, pressure of the fade, no pigmentation after recovery, no complications. A total of 14 serum samples were obtained from the typical cases. All the measles IgM antibodies were negative and 6 were rubella IgM positive. Conclusion: This is an outbreak of rubella.