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正构烷烃是自然界中普遍存在的有机物质,其组成和分布与人类活动密切相关,是表征有机污染物来源的良好标志物.用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)对2016年4月胶州湾表层海水中的正构烷烃进行检测,首次报道了胶州湾表层海水中正构烷烃的分布特征及来源解析.结果表明,其含量在1.756~39.09μg·L~(-1)之间,主要由连续分布的C11~C_(37)正构烷烃同系物组成,没有明显的奇偶优势,但碳数为C_(21)~C_(33)的正构烷烃约占总正构烷烃的95.0%.胶州湾表层海水中正构烷烃的高值区以湾口为主,在湾内东北部和西部也有出现,这一分布特征与胶州湾东北部和西部河流带来的工业废水、生活污水和湾口码头附近的船舶航运带来的正构烷烃输入有关.水交换较为充分的湾中部和湾外海域正构烷烃总量在1.756~2.842μg·L~(-1)之间,平均值为2.196μg·L~(-1),可视为胶州湾正构烷烃的环境背景值.其碳数分布有明显的C_(24)主碳峰,前峰群有微弱的奇碳优势,后峰群有微弱的偶碳优势,表明这部分正构烷烃以藻类和海洋细菌等生物自生输入为主.人类活动对胶州湾的影响很大,输入的正构烷烃主要集中在湾口及湾内近岸海域,由C_(21)~C_(33)正构烷烃同系物组成,呈现出有微弱偶碳优势的后峰群单峰形分布特征,代表高度风化的石油类污染物.其含量在9.606~39.09μg·L~(-1)之间,约占胶州湾总正构烷烃量的83.7%.整体来看,胶州湾表层海水对正构烷烃的去除机制以蒸发、稀释等物理风化过程为主,从湾内向湾外风化强度增大. Normal paraffin is a kind of organic substance which is ubiquitous in nature and its composition and distribution are closely related to human activities and is a good marker of the source of organic pollutants.Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) In April 2016, the n-alkanes in surface seawater of Jiaozhou Bay were detected, and the distribution and source analysis of n-alkanes in the surface waters of Jiaozhou Bay were reported for the first time.The results showed that the content of n-alkanes in the surface waters of Jiaozhou Bay was between 1.756 and 39.09 μg · L -1, , Which is mainly composed of contiguous C11 ~ C_ (37) n-paraffins. There is no obvious odd-even advantage, but n-alkanes with C_ (21) ~ C_ (33) Of 95.0% of the total area.The Jiaozhou Bay surface seawater is mainly composed of high-value n-alkanes in the Bayou and northeastern and western parts of the bay. The distribution characteristics are related to industrial wastewater, domestic sewage and sewage from the northeastern and western rivers of Jiaozhou Bay The n-paraffins from ships near the bayou terminal are related to the input of n-paraffins, and the total amount of normal paraffins in the mid-bay and off-shore waters with a good water exchange is between 1.756 and 2.842 μg · L -1 with an average of 2.196 μg · L ~ (-1), can be regarded as Jiaozhou Bay n-alkanes The background value of carbon dioxide shows obvious C 24 peak carbon peak, the former peak group has weak odd carbon advantage, the latter peak group has weak even carbon advantage, indicating that this part of n-alkane is mainly composed of algae and marine bacteria Etc. The human activities have a great influence on the Jiaozhou Bay. The n-alkanes are mainly concentrated in the estuaries and the coastal areas near the bay, which are composed of the homologues of C 21 C 33. The distribution of single peak shape of the posterior peak group with weak even carbonation advantage represents the highly weathered petroleum pollutants with the content ranging from 9.606 to 39.09 μg · L -1, 83.7% of the total amount.Overall, the removal mechanism of normal paraffins in surface seawater of Jiaozhou Bay is dominated by physical weathering processes such as evaporation and dilution, and the intensity of weathering from the bay to the bay increases.
目的 探究对进展期胃癌患者应用腹腔镜辅助小切口胃癌术的临床治疗效果.方法 选择2018年3月至2020年3月于我院接受腹腔镜辅助小切口胃癌根治术的56例患者纳入观察组,同时选取
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目的 探究在痛风伴高尿酸血症疾病治疗中非布司他药物所取得的临床治疗效果及对患者生命质量的影响.方法 选取于2018年3月份至2019年12月份在医院中进行通风伴高尿酸血症治疗
目的 探究手术室护士的护理工作环境感知对其关怀能力的影响.方法 采用问卷调查的方法对西南医科大学附属中医医院手术室40名护士进行调查,时间为2018年6月至2019年12月,分析
目的 探讨喜炎平注射治疗慢性支气管炎急性发作患者对血清炎症因子水平及血气指标的影响.方法 选取我院2019年1月至2020年1月收治的98例慢性支气管炎急性发作患者,采用随机数