(航拍:长江。龟山、蛇山。汉水。东湖,磨山、武昌、 武汉市) 相传很久很久以前,东海龙王的太子得到一块美丽 无比的宝玉,整天爱不释手,时刻带在身边。这一天,太 子飞到云梦古泽上空,只见长江东下,汉水北来,在这 龟、蛇两山之间紧紧拥抱,景致煞是壮观。于是按下云 头,轻摆龙尾,欲近距离观赏一番。不料这一按一摆,宝 玉跌落下来,太子急追直下,一口衔住宝玉,宝玉顷刻间 化作一片碧波荡漾的湖泊。太子不忍割舍,便化作一座 山岳,与这宝玉化成的湖泊朝夕相伴。这山就是磨山,这 湖就是东湖。后来这东湖之滨崛起一座武昌城,再后来 又发展成一个武汉市,东湖便成了中国最大的城中湖。
(Aerial: Yangtze River. Kameyama, Snake Hill. Han River. East Lake, Mill Hill, Wuchang, Wuhan) According to legend long time ago, the prince of the East China Sea Dragon King get a beautiful gem, all day long put it down, always with me. On this day, the prince flew to the sky above Yunmenguze and saw the east of the Yangtze River and the north of the Han River. Hugging tightly between the turtles and snake two mountains, the scenery was magnificent. Then press the cloud head, pendulum tail, want to watch some close range. Unexpectedly, this one by one, Baoyu drop down, Prince urgently chase down, a title Baoyu, Bao-yu instant into a rippling lake. Prince could not bear to let go, turned into a mountain, accompanied by this gem into a lake overnight. This mountain is mills, this lake is the East Lake. Later on this east lake rose a Wuchang City, and later developed into a Wuhan City, East Lake has become China’s largest city lake.