采用 JVC高速摄像系统对参加第 4届城市运动会 (1999,西安 )男子跳远比赛前 10名运动员起跳过程摆动腿动作运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响进行分析。研究表明 ,摆动腿摆动技术在跳远起跳过程中对增加身体重心垂直速度起着重要作用 ;我国男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动速度在蹬离地面至最大缓冲阶段角速度不断增加 ,蹬伸阶段角速度为零 ,其特征与运动生物力学有关原理相符 ;与国外优秀男子跳远运动员相比 ,我国男子跳远运动员起跳瞬间摆动腿摆动时机晚、速度慢、摆动幅度较小 ,从而影响了起跳效果 ,这是影响跳远成绩提高的原因之一。
The JVC high speed camera system was used to analyze the kinematics characteristics of the swing leg movements during the take-off of the top 10 male athletes in the 4th City Games (1999) and the effect on the take-off effect. The research shows that the swinging leg swinging technique plays an important role in increasing the vertical speed of body center of gravity during long jump. The swinging speed of swinging leg of Chinese male long-jump athletes increases from the ground to the maximum cushioning stage during the take- Compared with the excellent male long-jump athletes in foreign countries, Chinese male long-jumpers swing moment swinging legs at the moment of take-off is late, the speed is slow, and the amplitude of swinging is small, thus affecting the take-off effect, which is equivalent to the principle of sports biomechanics Is one of the reasons for the performance of long jump.