这还是6年多前的事情。1995年12月,中央教科所一位领导和23位全国著名教育专家来长沙市一中考察,临走时,这位领导动情地说:“我到过全国200多所学校,看来,这里是在扎扎实实地搞素质教育。” 6年多过去了,这所有着90年历史、名师云集、人才辈出的学校现在的情况如何?新学期开学之际,我们来到长沙市一中,访领导、问师生、看现场、阅资料,深感这所学校的素质教育又有了新的飞跃。
This is still more than 6 years ago. In December 1995, a leader of the Central Education Institute and 23 famous experts from the whole nation visited Changsha for study. Before leaving, the leader said emotionally: “I have been to more than 200 schools across the country. It seems that here is In a down-to-earth quality education. ”More than 6 years later, this all the 90-year history of famous teachers, talented schools now how? Now the new semester, we came to Changsha, a visit to the leadership , Asked teachers and students to see the scene, reading materials, deeply the quality of education in this school has a new leap forward.