我们伟大的祖国,是一个地域辽阔,民族众多的社会主义国家。除汉族外,还有五十多个少数民族。各族人民在长期的生产斗争中,积累了丰富的经验,涌现出不少科学家。玉妥宁玛·云丹贡布就是唐代吐蕃医学界最著名的医学家。 据《医学总纲》、《隆多喇嘛全集》等藏文史料记载,玉妥宁玛·云丹贡布公元708年生于西藏堆龙给纳,家里世世代代以医为业。其祖父和父亲都是藏医大师,精通医学理论和医疗技术,分别担任过吐蕃赞普艺松芒赞(650年——676年在位)和兑松艺波杰(676年——704年在位)的御医。玉妥宁玛·云丹贡布出生医生世家,自幼受到家庭环境的熏陶,十分喜好医学。从小就跟随其父学医。在医学方面,颇有见识。童年时代,就可开方,为人治病。据说,十岁时,吐蕃赞普赤德祖赞(704——755年)就知道他的医疗技术,并送他到桑耶学习,进行深造。
Our great motherland is a socialist country with vast territory and numerous nationalities. In addition to the Han nationality, there are more than 50 ethnic minorities. People in all ethnic groups have accumulated rich experience in the long struggle for production and many scientists have emerged. Yushu Nyingma · Yun Dan Kampot is the most famous doctor of Tubo medicine in Tang Dynasty. According to the Historical Materials of Tibetan Medicine such as General Principles of Medicine and Complete Collection of Lhondola Lama, Yushu Ningma Yundan Kampot was born in Tibet in 708 and was given medicine and medicine at home. His grandfather and father are masters of Tibetan medicine, mastering medical theory and medical technology, serving as the chief executive officer of Prang Song Sonzan (650 - 676) and Song Song Bujie (676 - 704 respectively) Bit) of the doctor. Yushu Ningma Yundan Gongbu born doctor family, influenced by the family environment since childhood, very much like medicine. As a child to follow his father’s medicine. In medicine, quite knowledgeable. Childhood, you can prescribe, treating people. It is said that at the age of 10, Tuban Zapuddin Zuzan (704-755) knew his medical skills and sent him to study in Sangye for further studies.