由新疆兵团(以下简称兵团)体委、兵团教委、兵团科协共同举办、农八师石河子市科协承办的兵困首期航空模型辅导员培训班,于4月7~12日在石河子圆满结束。来自兵团十个师一个直属学校的39名航空模型辅导员参加了培训。 兵团体委陈学忠主任、兵团科协副主席黄斌在开学典礼上讲了话,石河子科协主席范长海、体委及教委的领导也分别到会表示祝贺。
Organized by the Xinjiang Corps (hereinafter referred to Corps) Sports Commission, Corps Brigade, Corps Science Association co-organized by Nong Bashi Shihezi City Association for Science and Technology undertook the first stage of the military model soldiers instructor training course, April 7 to 12 in Shihezi successfully concluded . 39 aviation model instructors from a delegation of 10 divisions of the Corps participated in the training. Chen Xuezhong, director of the Corps Committee and Huang Bin, vice chairman of the Corps Association for Science and Technology, made a speech at the opening ceremony. Fan Changhai, chairman of the Shihezi Association for Science and Technology and the leaders of the Sports Commission and the Education Commission also congratulated each other respectively.