克洛德·德彪西(Claude Debussy,1862-1918)是19世纪末20世纪初法国杰出的作曲家、钢琴家、评论家,是印象主义音乐的创始者,同时也是法国继柏辽兹之后向世界乐坛贡献出的又一位音乐大师。德彪西的钢琴创作贯穿了他的一生,不仅数量多,而且音乐语言相当丰富。钢琴作品《版画集》(ESTAMPES)(1903年作)创作于德彪西风格的成熟时期,标志着德彪西印象主义派技法的确立。它汇集了印象主义钢琴音乐的突出特点,集中体现了德彪西的印象主义风格和美学思想,是一部充分体现其钢琴音乐语言特点的重要作品。聆
Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was an outstanding French composer, pianist and critic in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the founder of Impressionist music, Another music master contributed by the world music scene. Debussy’s piano creation runs through his life, not only in volume, but also in musical richness. ESTAMPES (1903) was created in a period of Debussy maturity, marking the establishment of Debussy impressionism techniques. It brings together the salient features of Impressionist piano music, epitomizes Debussy’s Impressionism and aesthetics, and is an important work that fully reflects the characteristics of piano music. hear