采用侧芽繁殖方法繁殖龟背竹,用料省、成形快、操作简便、成活率高。具体方法是: 在春季选取具有三张叶片的健壮实生苗,精心养护,任其生长,适时换盆。到8月初,将植株前端带三张叶的一段连气生根切下,另行栽植,一盆新龟背竹即繁殖成功。失去顶端的龟背竹母体,还可再剪去几片幼叶,留2—3片叶即可。为防止切口腐烂,可用40万单位青霉素加水2.5公斤,对切口喷洒一次,或用其它抗菌素进行。植株去除顶端的目的是迫使侧芽
Adopting the method of propagation of lateral buds to reproduce Monstera, materials, provinces, forming fast, easy to operate, high survival rate. The specific method is: in the spring with three leaves of robust seedlings selected, well-conservation, allowed to grow, timely change basin. To early August, the plant with three leaves in front of a contiguous cut, planted separately, a pot of new Monstrous reproductive success. Lost the top Monstera mother, but also cut a few pieces of young leaves can be left to stay 2-3 leaves can be. In order to prevent incision rot, you can use 400000 units of penicillin plus 2.5 kg, spray on the incision, or with other antibiotics. The purpose of removing the top of the plant is to force the lateral buds