Effect of air masses motion on the rapid change of aerosols in marine atmosphere

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gl24334119
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The impact of air masses motion on marine aerosol properties was investigated using an on-board single particle mass spectrometer (SPAMS) deployed for the determination of single particle size resolved chemical composition over Southeast China Sea.Two aerosol blooms (E1 and E2) were observed during the cruise.High average particle number count occurred in E1 (7320),followed by E2 (5850),which was more than 100-150 times of the average particle number count during normal periods.Particles were classified as four major sources,including continental source,shipping source,marine source,and transport source based on the mass spectral similarity.Transport source was identified as those particles with high particle number count occurred only during aerosol bloom period.Three sub-types of EC-Ca,OC-Ca,and Al-rich were classified as transport source.EC-Ca was the dominant particles of the transport source,accounting for more than 70% of the total particles in aerosol bloom events.A uni-modal size distribution in the size range of 0.1-2.0 μm was observed during normal period,while a bimodal distribution with a tiny mode (<0.3 μm) and a coarse mode between 0.4 and 0.6 μm was present during aerosol bloom.The variation of aerosol source is consistent with air masses back trajectories,for the reason that most of the long-range air trajectories are from the ocean,while short air trajectories originate in the continental regions,which means that air masses have a significant impact on the aerosol physical-chemical properties along their tracks.
1 工作概况rn1.1 任务来源rn国家标准化管理委员会以国标委综合[2016]60号文《关于下达2016年第二批国家标准制修订计划》的通知,下达了推荐性国家标准《绿色建材评价技术要
康壮素 (MessengerTM ,信使 )是美国伊甸 (EDEN)生物技术公司运用新型生物技术研制成功的一种生物制剂 ,其主要成分为HarpinEa(超敏蛋白 )。现已在美国各种作物上广泛应用 ,