
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w6832793xym
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河北省承德地区中级人民法院和基层人民法院,认真贯彻执行中央、省委关于制止乱砍滥伐森林的指示,针对本地区严重破坏森林的情况,把处理乱砍滥伐、盗伐林木的案件作为一项重要任务来抓。一九八二年一至十月份,全区共审理滥伐、盗伐林木案三十七件,判处罪犯五十九人。通过严厉打击破坏森林的犯罪活动,全区滥伐、盗伐林木的现象已有所扭转。 Intermediate People’s Court of Chengde District of Hebei Province and Grassroots People’s Court conscientiously implemented the instructions of the Central Government and the Provincial Party Committee on stopping the deforestation of forests. In response to the serious destruction of forests in the region, the handling of deforestation and illegal logging of trees As an important task to grasp. From January to October 1982, a total of 37 cases of deforestation and illegal logging were dealt with in the district, killing 59 criminals. By severely cracking down on criminal activities that have undermined forests, deforestation and illegal logging in the entire region have been reversed.
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宁夏回族自治区石咀山区石咀山市人民法院坚持实事求是、有错必纠的原则,依法纠正了一起错判的盗窃案件。 被告人张建军、方学宝,捕前均系石咀山矿务局一矿工人。一九七八年
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