年鉴界对彩页的重视程度日渐提高。一方面是为了创收,促进年鉴事业的发展,另一方面是彩页对于年鉴具有充实、美化作用,许多单位成效喜人。 通过查阅案头的10本2001年出版的广东地市年鉴,笔者发觉美中不足的是:大部分(6本)年鉴没有建立彩页检索系统,只有正文才前有目录、后又有主题索引;少部分(3本)年鉴有彩页索引,但又未标明页码,使读者很难“一
Yearbook on the color pages of the increasing importance. On the one hand, it is to generate income and promote the development of the Yearbook business. On the other hand, the color pages have a substantial and beautification effect on the Yearbook, and many units have achieved fruitful results. By reviewing the 10 books of the Guangdong Municipality published in 2001, the author finds the fly in the ointment is that most of the 6 books do not have a color page retrieval system. Only the texts have catalogs before they are indexed by the theme. A small part (3) Yearbook with color pages index, but did not indicate the page number, so that the reader is difficult "One