双斑东方鲀[Fugu bimaculatus(Richardson)]属鲀形目,鲀科,东方鲀属,为近海暖温性底层鱼类,仅分布于我国南海、东海和黄海南部。双斑东方鲀肉鲜嫩可口,营养价值高。从其性腺、肝脏等体内器官提取的河鲀毒素国际市场售价昂贵,具有极高的农用和医用价值,综合深加工开发潜力极大。双斑东方鲀对盐度适应性强,可在河口咸淡水(盐度3-5)和海水环境中养殖,养殖区域遍布江苏、浙江、福建、广东、海南、广西等沿海水域。养殖方式目前主要为池塘单养、混养和网箱养殖。为了适应双斑东方鲀在国内养殖的迅猛发展,有必要加强苗种长距离运输试验,解决养殖发展的种源问题。笔者于2004年6月下旬分2次从上海运输苗种到福建,取得了很好的结果,现将运输情况报告如下。
The endemic species Fugu bimaculatus (Richardson) belong to the order Phasianidae, Ephemeroptera and Ephemera, and are the warm-winged undersea fishes. They are only distributed in the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the southern part of the Yellow Sea. The double-spotted Eastern pomfret meat is delicious and fresh, with high nutritional value. From its gonads, liver and other organs extracted from the domestic market toxins toxin expensive international market, with high agricultural and medical value, comprehensive development and processing of great potential. The bivalve is very adaptable to salinity and can be cultured in brackish water (salinity 3-5) and seawater environment. The breeding area covers the coastal waters of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi. Farming methods currently mainly ponds, polyculture and cage culture. In order to adapt to the rapid development of double-bred Dongfang in China, it is necessary to strengthen the long-distance transportation test of seed to solve the problem of breeding sources. In late June 2004, I transplanted seedlings from Shanghai to Fujian two times and achieved very good results. The shipping situation is reported as follows.