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  我們生活在一个 “外向理想型性格”主导的价值体系中,人们普遍认为,理想的性格是善于交际,有领袖气质,在众人瞩目的场合收放自如。我们不难发现,生活中外向者总是人们关注并谈论的对象,而内向者却常常是被忽视的对象。事实上,内向者和外向者一样,有其独特的性格优势,甚至内向者比外向者更有潜力成为出色的领导者。你是否是内向者中的一员呢?你是否因性格内向而烦恼呢?读过本文后,你可能会对内向者有一个全新的认识,进而对不同性格有更大的包容心。
  1. 梳理文章结构,识别问题并找到解决方法;
  2. 对语篇进行宏观和微观分析,把握语篇逻辑;
  3. 辩证地看待文本和作者观点,形成自己独立的观点;
  4. 以读促写,读写结合,思考不同性格的学生该如何相处。
  1. introvert /ntrvt/ n. 内向的人
  2. grunt /ɡrnt/ n. 工作乏味收入低的工人
  3. analogy /nldi/ n. 类比
  4. extrovert /ekstrvt/ n. 外向的人
  5. selfeffacing /slffes/ adj. 谦逊的;不出风头的
  6. marginalise /mɑdnlaz/ v. 使边缘化;排斥
  7. dominate /dmnet/ v. 支配;控制
  Most companies worry about discrimination against their employees on the basis of race, gender or sexual preference, but they give little thought to their unfair treatment of introverts.
  The biggest reason is the fashion of openplan offices and socalled “group work”. Companies rightly think that the recipe for growth in a world where computers can do much of the grunt work is innovation, but they wrongly conclude that the best way to encourage creativity is to knock down office walls and to hold endless meetings. This is illjudged for a number of reasons. It rests on an outdated analogy between intellectual and physical barriers between people. It ignores the fact that noise and interruptions make it harder to concentrate. And companies too often forget that whereas extroverts gain energy from other people, introverts need time on their own to recharge.
  The recent fashion also strengthens an ancient prejudice against introverts when it comes to promotion. Many companies unconsciously identify leadership skills with extroversion. Yet in his book Good to Great, Jim Collins, a management scientist, suggests that the chief executives who stay longest at the top of their industries tend to be quiet and selfeffacing types. They are people who put their companies above their egos and frequently blend into the background.
  What can companies do to make life better for introverts? At the very least, managers should provide private office space and quiet areas where they can recharge. Firms need to recognise that introverts bring unique skills to their jobs. They may talk less in meetings, but they tend to put more thought into what they say. Leaders should look at their organisations through the introverts’ eyes. Does the company hold large meetings where the loudest voices gain the upper hand? That means that it is marginalising introverts. Does it select new members mainly on the basis of how they perform brilliantly in interviews? That could be blinding it to people who dislike performing in public.   Some of the cleverest companies are beginning to look at these problems. Amazon has radically overhauled its meetings to make them more focused. Every meeting begins in silence. Those attending must read a sixpage memo on the subject of the meeting before they make a speech. This shifts the emphasis from people’s behaviour in the meeting to focused discussion of the memo’s contents. Google has underestimated the importance of interviews in recruiting and put more emphasis on candidates’ ability to carry out tasks like the ones that they will have to do at the firm, such as writing code or solving technical problems.
  Managers cannot be on top of the very latest research on personality types. Nonetheless, they should pay more attention to the way that groups of people interact when it comes to designing teams. One study that looked at operations lower down an organisation shows that extroverts are better at managing workers if the employees are just expected to carry out orders, but those who tend towards introversion are better if the workers are expected to think for themselves.
  Introverts must also work harder at adapting to corporate life, since work is essentially social. They could communicate over the keyboard rather than in meetings, or by arranging smaller gatherings rather than rejecting them altogether. This is important for climbing the ladder. Karl Moore of McGill University in Montreal, who has asked over 200 CEOs about introversion on the radio show he hosts, says that introverts who make it to the top usually learn how to behave like extroverts for some of the time. Claude Mongeau, the former CEO of Canadian National Railway, for example, set himself the goal of acting like an extrovert five times a day.
  Business has long been dominated by an “extrovert ideal”. Fortunately, some trends do now push in the other direction. The field of technology, an industry where introverts are common, has made it easier for everyone to communicate at a distance. The aim of enlightened management is not to tilt an extrovertoriented company rapidly towards the introverts. It is to create a new kind of firm, in which introverts, extroverts and all the inbetweeners are equally likely to flourish.
  Step 2 理解·文本解讀
  Ⅰ. Reading for the main idea
  1. What’s the type of this writing?
  2. The passage is mainly intended to ___________.
  A. argue in favor of the strengths of introverts in companies   B. illustrate how companies can help introverts to succeed
  C. illustrate the benefits that companies can have from introverts
  D. show the prejudices facing introverts in companies
  Ⅱ. Reading for the structure
  Para. 1 1. ________:Most companies paid little attention to their unfair treatment of introverts.
  Para. 2~3 2.________.
  Para. 4~7 3.________to the problem from different aspects.
  Para. 8 The author’s 4.________.
  【点石成金】阅读理解的脚手架是文章结构。在日常的阅读训练中,学生要熟悉各类文章的结构,并从文体学的角度分清各类文章的结构(structure or backbone),把握段与段之间的关系,从而形成对语篇的宏观认识,总结出各种语篇的结构特征和表现特征。就语篇的宏观分析而言,英语中存在着许多语篇模式,常见的模式有几种,如问题—解决模式(ProblemSolution pattern)、概括—具体模式(GeneralParticular pattern)、主张—反主张模式(ClaimCounterclaim pattern)、比较匹配型(Matching pattern)等。對语篇进行宏观分析有助于形成可迁移、可持续的阅读能力。
  Ⅲ. Reading for comprehension
  1. What’s the problem facing most companies in terms of introverts?
  2. What factors contribute to the abovementioned problem?
  3. What are companies likely to do to encourage creativity? What does the author think of it? Why?
  4. Why is it improper to equate leadership skills with extroversion?
  5. What solutions does the author put forward to solve the problem?
  6. What techniques of explanation does the author use? Why?
  7. What’s the author’s conclusion?
  Ⅳ. Reading for critical thinking
  1. Why does the author write this article?
  2. What do you think of the author’s writing? If you are asked to add something to make the article more thorough, what kind of contents do you want to add?
  【点石成金】探究英语文本时,要抓住what、 why和how三个核心要素。what是作者写了什么,即文章的主旨大意和主要内容;why是作者为什么写,即文本的写作意图;how是作者怎么写的,即用了什么语篇结构和语言修辞手法。通过回答第二层次的问题,学生能够掌握说明文的问题解决型模式:识别问题、分析原因、找到解决方法。此外学生也能够关注到说明文的说明方式。设置critical thinking的问题,可以引导学生辩证地看待文本内容和推断作者的写作意图,从而形成自己独立的观点并给出合理的依据。
  Step 3 运用·读写整合
麂皮夹克TomFord反质上衣Givenchy金属硬币装饰连帽上衣拼接条纹长裤均为Lazoschmidl印花丝巾Dries Van Noten黑色乐福鞋Dunhill久违了,演艺圈  年初因为疫情的缘故,李易峰在家百无聊赖。2019年在采访中表示想要减少拍戏、多陪家人的他,终于有机会一偿夙愿:陪爸妈聊天,弹弹吉他、看看电影,也做做饭。当时间线变长,这种状态从最初的“非常舒适”转为了“又烦又腻”。 
“大”才自有“大”作为全新梅赛德斯-奔驰GLB SUV,就是这么大才大用!  没有人生而平凡,“天生我才”自有“大”作为。小小少年已成为备受瞩目的灵魂人物,用更宽广的视角去发现更大的世界,扛起责任,一边突破自我,一边向理想踏实迈进,成长为新生代的中坚力量。正如全新梅赛德斯-奔驰GLBSUV,作为率先出场的新生代“5 2”座豪华SUV以“新生代大空间”满载“大才大用”的雄心和爱心,让路况和人生一样充
After fresh rain in mountains bare  Autumn permeates evening air.  Among pine trees bright moonbeams peer;  Over crystal stones flows water clear.  Bamboos whisper of washer maids;  Lotus stirs when f
中国社会整体离婚率正逐年走高,但有一类人却执着地认为,他们所关注的目标群体,纵然遭受冷漠、疏离与背叛,也要千方百计保全婚姻。他们认定这是理智现实的举动,而他们要做的,则是说服更多人做出同样的选择。  这群人被称作小三劝退师,他们相信,婚姻早已不只是情感契约,更是资源、财富、利益的组合再分配,对于财富人群尤其如此。保全婚姻,不只是旧情尚存,更为谋求现实利益。为此,他们在丈夫、妻子、第三者之间反复周旋
摘 要:知识整理能力是学生在小学阶段最应该掌握的技能之一,它不仅能有效地推动复习课的开展,更是对学生的今后发展有深远的影响。文章以“图形与几何”知识体系为例阐述如何在符合学生认知发展规律的基础上,逐级培养学生的知识整理能力。  关键词:知识整理;思维导图;有效复习  陶行知先生谓之:“教是为了不教。”众所周知,小学数学知识体系连贯,知识点多而系统化,教会学生学会自主整理知识的技能对于小学高段乃至今
很多留学党都在抱怨,感觉虽然在国外大学里认识的人比国内多,但是基本上都是处于泛泛之交,算不上真正的朋友。似乎出国以后,朋友就少了很多,自己也变得越来越不会交朋友了。  [听力扫障]  Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 《國际跨文化交流期刊》  [扫码听测]  Ⅰ.听力理解  1.How many internation
夏日的暖阳放肆地挥洒,花样的年华在林间流动。繁花似锦,青春与活力随风涌动在心。白色无袖衬衫 Loewe 印花亮片长裤 Dries Van Noten金属项链 GAR?ON BY G?OGCN 银色手链 Pronounce绿色暗纹衬衫 Gucci 印花长裤 Tom Ford绑带凉鞋 Dries Van Noten 珍珠项链 Hatton Labs 银色手链 Dior白色暗紋背心 Kenzo 印花长裤
对于男生化妆这件事,很多人的第一反应就是“娘”。对于这种偏见,我当然是不认同的。男生化妆其实跟女生化妆是一样重要的。区别是一个表现女性的美貌与性感,一个表现男性的儒雅和魅力,相同点则是更好看。而且,男生化妆可以很大程度地减少油腻感,看上去更吸引人更容易招人喜爱。  流量偶像当遒,男士化妆更体面  根据95后消费调查报告,平均每5个男生,就有1个使用BB霜!此外,眉部与眼部的化妆品也逐渐被男性消费者
摘 要:小学数学教学中,教师要正视学生阅读低下的问题,结合学生阅读实际,为学生准备丰富学习案例,让学生在数学问题分解中形成学科认知基础。在阅读方法传授时,教师要有创新意识,为学生提供更多实用性阅读方法,描述性阅读、对比性阅读、整合性阅读、模型性阅读、内化性阅读,都能够提升学生阅读强度和深度,辅助学生在解决数学问题的基础上成长学科能力。  关键词:数学问题;深度阅读;教学策略;建构  阅读是一种个性
首都国际机场,我最熟悉的地方  我是一名“站姐”,2016年夏天到2018年夏天,我为15位艺人拍了两万多张照片,其中有约一千五百张被精心修过发布在微博上。无论是机场、演唱会还是节目录制现场,我总能找到办法进入到最靠近艺人的区域,然后举起相机,摁下决门。  全国可能有几千人和我做着相似的事情,我们享有同一个身份:“站姐”。然而两年过去,我什么也没得到,按照饭圈的评价体系,我只能算是个三流站妇——既